Aug 19Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Thanks for subscribing to my Substack. I hope to do something interesting there soon.

First, I must admit I've only skimmed through your articles superficially but I must add they look very interesting, indeed, to me. Likewise, more to the point, I should add I haven't read this one carefully, or even through to the end, yet, but hope to do so soon.

Without wanting to come over as pedantic or presumptuous, however, I've felt compelled succumb to the impulse to point out: within a couple of paragraphs from the beginning, this article states, "Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution,’ the opening gambit in NATO’s (America’s) proxy war with Russia, didn’t occur until two years later in 2014,...". Unless I've completely misunderstood something, I'd need to defer to Wikipedia's description here: "The Orange Revolution was a series of protests, that lead to political upheaval in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005." "...the CIA masterminded the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Ukraine...", as you so accurately state, in 2014 in what is commonly referred to as the 'Maidan Revolution', or the 'Revolution of Dignity' as it was referred to by some Ukrainians for quite some time after the event. I believe, under something of a spotlight, they've realised themselves how ridiculous this title seemed and have stopped using now (although I could be wrong: I bet you could find plenty of clowns and fruitcakes who still cling to the notion).

Moreover, I think you right to describe the 'Orange Revolution' (2004-5) as a CIA gambit more like an opening gambit than that of their pressure which culminated in Fats Nuland and Moron McCain's 'glorious visitations to the Maidan Square in honour of the 'Heavenly Hundred'.

Personally, I might feel more inclined to consider 'Operation Paperclip' by which ex-German Nazi collaborators from the Ukraine were disseminated throughout the 5-eyes nations in the hope they may eventually become useful (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslav_Hunka_scandal#:~:text=On%2022%20September%202023%2C%20Yaroslav,of%20Parliament%20for%20Hunka's%20district.); or even trace the beginning of the conflict back to the British invasion of the Crimea in 1854-5 (https://www.history.com/topics/european-history/crimean-war#).

In any case, I'd recommend you swap 'Orange Revolution' in your description above for 'Maidan Revolution' (or 'Revolution of Dignity', but I'd suggest that might need some explanation; I don't think many native-English speakers, or just non-Russian speakers, would understand (the implications of) the term 'Revolution of Dignity').

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Aug 19·edited Aug 21Author

Thank you for pointing that out. I am guilty of combining proximate revolutions and/or assuming that Maidan was a continuation of Orange. I'll fix it. Thanks again! I didn't realize a cadre of WWII Nazi scientists, etc., were stashed away in Ukraine for later use. Only that Azov was indicative of a larger Ukrainian problem. The denazification of Ukraine is one of Russia's SMO goals. I very much hope they're successful. Thank you for your comment and assistance, McDdd!

I spruced up this piece as well. If you read it, please let me know if you spot any inaccuracies. https://open.substack.com/pub/rationalspirituality/p/archangel-metatron-vs-the-fourth?r=g6u5j&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Jun 8Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Thank you For this excellent read Toney. There seems to be a continuous lineage of adversaries who have drawn upon the black sun cult of anti- human, anti-Christ demonic forces for centuries. Since the most hideous Bolshevik revolution dark occult forces have been increasing unleashed and black magical practices increasingly utilized towards an apocalyptic culmination which seems to be unfolding in our time.

As we know, evil has no creativity and can only mimic and distort truth. I think what was established as the country Israel and run by secular Judaism is a perversion of the spiritual reality of Eternal Israel and the chosen people. Israel in the spiritual sense is not a physical geographic country, nor a bloodline, but rather a reference to the portion of humanity who are aligned with Christ and His living presence within us. The powers of evil are attempting to reduce and mimic a divine reality to a physical reality. Those of us who can sense our eternal being in Christ and understand the creation as a wrought work of the Father can be of any faith or race. We know Christ and He knows us. This is a true knowing - a gnosis. ( I know that is an unpopular word, but it is the right word for the kind of knowing that goes beyond mere believing) These are the people of the Eternal Israel. The dark occult is attempting to defy God once again by setting up the Prince of this world by proclaiming a false kingdom.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Thank you for your comment, Cheryl. I agree wholeheartedly with your observations regarding Spiritual Israel. There are many Jews who reject Zionism. This group includes the Ultra Orthodox Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim, who refuse to recognize the State of Israel citing "political quietism."

Nonetheless, there she is! Often among great philosophical/religious dilemmas, the reality is correctly asserted as a "both-and" proposition, rather than 'either-or.' To wit, Ezekiel describes a future war against a 'physical' Israel. I believe the Gog-Magog war has already begun in both the physical and spiritual realms.


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Let us though consider the content of Faith as a river. Greek philosophical thought of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle was the river bed, God is not Almighty. God is limited by Reason and by Necessity and is powerless. God can not restore the dead. God cannot undo human history. God is subject to common sense, a reasonable Divinity. Not that for God everything is possible, but Necessity is the Truth and not Gospel Truth and God is subordinated to this Necessity. Therefore God is unable to intervene in existence even as Zeus could not intervene, and God therefore is subordinate to Reason and Truth as man is. Within this framework Christian civilization flows on to this day except for Kierkegaard -but even he could not accept his own insight and fell back on Socrates and Necessity. So why belabor the point. Without God any fable serving power works. Black Sun, Blue or Green.

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Jun 3Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Thanks for this! Much to think about.

I do have a question about "God himself" saving the Jews. Which Jews, do you suppose? Secular, religious, genetic, Zionist, those participating in the great culling of humanity as well as those fighting against it? All of the above? It's an interesting point to ponder.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

Well, Ezekiel prophesizes that toward the end of the Gog - Magog War, which will occur in the End Times (see link), that God will intervene to save Israel. I interpret this to mean "save the Jews (from annihilation)." I'm uncertain Ezekiel's prophecy is correctly interpreted solely as a reference to the nation of Israel, although it certainly includes Israel. So, not 'all of the above' but 'some of the above.' (There are 1.5 million Jews living in New York. We don't know how widespread the Gog-Magog War will be.)

Thanks very much for your comment/question.


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Jun 4Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Tried to like your reply but am unable to for some reason.

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Thanks. I liked it for you. 😊

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Great essay as usual.

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Thank you, kind Sir.

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Frank Furedi is a "former" revolutionary Marxist! He also promotes the dismal adolescent reductionist materialism and its "culture" of death which now patterns and controls the entire world.

That having been said please check out this very Aquarian inspired website.


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