A timely post on the precariousness of the human soul. Thank you! And thanks too for mentioning Dugin whose thoughtful traditionalism offers counter balance to the metastasis of pseudo-freedom ushered through postmodernism. The latter coincides with rot of actual freedom (predicated on shared meaning, values and history). This efflorescence, as you say, produces narcissistic fragmentation of the self. It gives rise to solipsism and irrationalism infused with pseudo-heroism. A shallow questioning of authority is everywhere in evidence and is easily manipulated by psyops: viz flat earth theory, or the non-existence of viruses. These are the sour fruits of postmodernism decried by Dugin. Human debilitation and spiritual capitulation are covertly managed by archontic actors working through NGOs, unelected thinktanks, elitist hideaways, and vampiric shadow beings such as Peter Thiel, Musk and Harari. Your principles for reintegration of the self are healthy. I would also point out the discoveries left us by Robert Monroe in his documented out of body experiences. In his last book, The Ultimate Journey, Monroe discovered the plurality of the core self in etheric outer space. To him, it is a cluster. The group is primordially bonded and travels interdimensionally in pursuit of the Great Unknown. It is composed not of separate monads but of a shared resonance.

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A fascinating synopsis with sprinkles. Thank you. I'm turning your comment into a footnote in hopes that more will see it.

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Nov 12Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Very interesting and relevant, but needing more readings to get some kind of grasp on it. Off the top of my head, though, it is interesting that Bernardo Kastrup, who argues for his version of Analytic Idealism rather than "panpsychism" (though at this level what's in a name!) also now seems to be very much into IIT (which is something else I need to read up on if I can find an "idiot's" version of it).

Bringing in Dugin is also intriguing since Kastrup is anti-Russian -- writing "open letters" to Putin begging him to surrender to the advanced consciousness of... NATO. Very much the 60s hippie idea of "we are all one, man".

I am very much interested in parsing out Idealism or panpsychism without falling into this New Age trap; the idea of it being compatible with or even requiring what you call a respect for diversity of cultures, rather than falling for the siren song of "one world" is suggestive.

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Thank you for your comment, James. Here are two resources that may be useful: James Glattfelder's "Information-Consciousness-Reality" an eBook: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a37nd2oq4mzkkoysv1e49/A-Universe-Built-of-Information-.-book.pdf?rlkey=v0osd75s32e1koi6kuqojndpb&st=jnojijx4&dl=0

And "The Pribram-Bohm Holoflux Theory of Consciousness" by Shelli Joye:


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