Rational Spirituality seeks to harmonize traditional religious schools such as Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism with principles of the New Physics. Progress in our present era of discovery often arises between the interactions of disparate electromagnetic fields, such as the Akashic Field and Pranic Field. The synergy between the tangible and abstract, the seen and unseen, holds the promise to bridge our understanding of the most profound secrets of the universe.
In a previous article, we established the scientific relationship between Superconsciousness and the Akashic Field. In this piece, we examine Prana, the energy equilibrate to the Akashic Field. And once again we turn to Indian Yogi Swami Vivekananda:
According to the philosophers of India, the universe is composed of two entities, one of each they call akasha, and the other, prana … At the beginning of a cycle, prana sleeps in the infinite ocean of akasha. This ocean exists motionless in the beginning. Then arises motion of the akasha by the action of prana; and as this prana begins to move, to vibrate, out of this ocean come the various celestial systems—suns, moon, stars—the earth, human beings, animals, plants, and the manifestations of all the various forces and phenomena. Every manifestation of energy, therefore, according to the Hindus, is prana. Every manifestation of matter is akasha. (emphasis mine)
In scientific parlance, prana’s action is an excitation of Akasha’s electrons, which over an extended period of time creates both matter and life itself. In this construction, the Akashic Field is a cosmic plenum, an active field of information (Yang), while the Pranic Field is a passive, subdominant universe-bound field of life-force energy (Yin). Together, continuous interactions of these interlaced fundamental quantum fields, primarily through the perpetual exchange of information, educe incipient consciousness.
Therefore, we can confidently assert that consciousness, the Ground of All Being, is an emergent property of the Akashic-Pranic Field. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit paleontologist, theologian and philosopher, suggested that the universe will continue to evolve greater and greater degrees of awareness and complexity, finally coalescing into an integrated, universal consciousness, which he named the Omega Point and further identified with Christ Consciousness.
The Multiverse
In this and other posts, the reader might discern wisps of a multiverse cosmology, suggesting the presence of numerous universes within a Greater Cosmos. Rational Spirituality posits that the cosmos does indeed incorporate multiple universes and that the pervasive Akasha Field (yang) is a foundational aspect among all universes.
A recent Bing poll found that ~70% of Americans accept the multiverse theory. Proponents, including Max Tegmark, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Sean Carroll, Leonard Susskind, et al., argue that the multiverse theory is simpler and more elegant.
The different universes within the multiverse may be called "parallel universes," "other universes," "alternate universes," or "many worlds." Down the road, this Substack will argue for a form of ‘black hole cosmogony’ and a hierarchy of “other universes.”1 I intend to put forward this speculative cosmogony2, as science fable in a series of upcoming pieces. Science fables use imaginative narratives and futuristic settings to convey scientific ideas in a more accessible and engaging manner.
Hungarian Nobel Laureate and scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi elaborated on the [Earth’s] creative process in his Introduction to a Submolecular Biology.3 His commentary is nicely summarized here by Olga Kabal:
He [ Szent-Gyorgyi] theorized that at the very beginning of time, the earliest substance on Earth consisted of molecules that had weak electron receptors, so they could not easily release or accept electrons. It manifested as some sort of primordial muck, which stayed that way for millions of years. The byproduct of that muck, oxygen, had gradually accumulated in the atmosphere, and being strong electron receptors began to exchange many more electrons with the muck, which evolved to become more aerobic. Once that process got going, it created a surplus of energy that quickly evolved into plants, insects and other organisms.4
These “plants, insects and other organisms” immediately became lifelong constituents of Earth’s emerging biota feedback loop that evolved into the Gaian Field (more here) a subcomponent of the Pranic Field. The universe is chock full of fields! Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln offered one of the easier to understand explanations:
So, according to quantum field theory, the right way to think of the subatomic world is that everywhere - and I mean everywhere - there are a myriad of fields. Up quark fields, down quark fields, electron fields, etc. And the particles are just localized vibrations of the fields that are moving around. Theoretical physics simply imagines that ordinary space is full of fields for all known subatomic particles and that localized vibrations can be found everywhere. These fields can interact [and resonate] with one another, like two adjacent tuning forks. These interactions explain how particles are created and destroyed – basically the energy of some vibrations move from one field and set up vibrations in another kind of field.5
I find it beneficial to emphasize the synergistic yin-yang nature of opposing yet complementary fundamental fields, as they undergird many plausible scientific theories. Doing so allows us to illustrate the diverse and crucial roles these fields play in the intricate cosmic composition we recognize as the Nature of Reality.
Bringing quantum nonlocality and interconnectivity even closer to the human forefront, systems theorist Ervin Laszlo recounts a personal experience involving … “the remarkable faculties of social psychologist and Club of Budapest colleague, Dr. Mária Sági.”
For a period of over twenty years, [Dr. Sági] has consistently and correctly diagnosed whatever health problems I have experienced whether I was near her or at a distant location, and found the appropriate, remarkably effective homeopathic remedies to treat them. In our discussions and experiments it became clear to me that in her healing work she is receiving reliable extrasensory information from a source that must be accounted for in any serious discourse about the nature of reality—and that this is likely to be the same source that creates entanglement among quanta and transpersonal connections among organisms and minds.6
I recall that clairvoyant Edgar M. Cayce (1877-1945) boasted of similar gifts. In fact, there is a substantial online database referencing Cayce’s holistic health and healing practices here.
Chakras and Prana
The human chakra system, a concept familiar to various spiritual and esoteric traditions, describes a network of vibratory energy centers within the human body. These energy centers, known as chakras, are believed to be interconnected and associated with different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Each chakra is thought to correspond to specific organs, glands and psychological qualities, and is associated with a particular color and vibration. The chakra system is seen as a pathway for the flow of vital energy or life force (prana), facilitating balance and harmonious corporeal functioning.
This subtle “vital life force energy” (prana in Indian philosophy) finds its counterpart in many other cultures. In Taoist philosophy it is Chi or Qi (Qigong) and in Japanese it is Ki, for which Reiki is named.
All biochemical processes in the body, including prana, ultimately are driven by electron transport. Atoms themselves can carry a positive or a negative charge by gaining or losing electrons. The flow of electrons between atoms is what we call electricity.
The body requires electrical transmitters, "spark plugs," in order to send "messages" as electrical signals within the body. These brain signals are transmitted mainly through body fluids. Many cases of brain fog (inability to concentrate or connect thoughts), ADD/ADHD, muscle cramps/spasms and tingling/numbness can be the symptom of a low battery — lacking the electrical impulse stimulus necessary for nerve and muscle functions.7
discovered that the Covid-19 vaccine is literally stealing electricity from the body:In the research documented by Clifford Carnicom and myself, we have shown that the CDB/Hydrogel filaments [found in the vaccine] are literally stealing electricity, hence life force from the body.
The reason this is so important to understand is because we are being attacked from an oscillating electromagnetic field on a nano scale. The most recent paper by Clifford and myself, shows that the blood of the C19 vaccinated has a different electromagnetic response in the extremely low frequency range. That is the range in which these cellular oscillations take place, hence it is evidence that indeed the C19 injected are being remote controlled for many different disease inducing purposes and mind control. We have also shown that the electrical conductivity in human blood is significantly decreased.8
Russian researchers at the Bioinformation Institute in St. Petersburg conflated this life force energy with plasma and named it bioplasmic energy, thereby identifying it with electromagnetism. Their discovery insinuates a bodily bioplasmic field consistent with the idea of a chakra system. (Waves in plasmas can be classified either as electromagnetic or electrostatic.)
Chakras, the Sanskrit word for wheel, whirl perpetually throughout the human body producing electromagnetic fields of subtle frequencies ranging between ~400 and ~800 Hertz. These chakra frequencies are called solfeggio frequencies.
A YouTube search for solfeggio frequencies turns up scores of music files that can be useful for meditation. I include a music video below that includes the full range of chakra frequencies.
In conclusion, Chakra tuning, which stimulates resonance with the Akashic-Pranic Field, is considered another modality that engenders superconsciousness and greater spiritual/self-awareness. Experienced practitioners claim the best method to balance or tune chakras is with breathwork.
Breathwork activates your body’s parasympathetic nervous system and helps you de-escalate and de-stress. This can also lead to many kinds of positive feelings.9
Black Hole Cosmology (Rational Spirituality Substack)
Cosmology refers to the scientific study of the structure, origin, evolution, and overall properties of the universe as a whole. On the other hand, cosmogony specifically focuses on the study of the origin and formation of the universe or particular theories about its creation. Cosmology is a broader field encompassing the study of the universe as a whole, while cosmogony specifically examines theories and explanations regarding the universe's origin and early development, e.g. inflation.
Balancing the Body’s Bio-Electrical field. (Article)
See also: How Does the Body Make Electricity — and How Does It Use It? (Article)
Breathwork; Cleveland Clinic (Website)
Binaural Beats are great for chakra alignment as well, found them several years ago and swear by them, absolutely amazing experiences that change depending upon the hertz level to which you're listening.
Interesting stuff. I call my approach "Empirical Mysticism" but I think we are definitely talking about the same thing. Will peruse your blog with interest in the coming days.