Superconsciousness, a concept that has been explored and described in various spiritual, philosophical and mystical traditions throughout history, refers to a heightened state of awareness and expanded consciousness beyond the limits of ordinary human consciousness. It is often described as a transcendent or spiritual state in which individuals experience a connection to the universe, higher realms of existence and keen awareness of a collective intelligence.
Superconsciousness represents a transpersonal level of consciousness that transcends traditional boundaries of individual ego and personal identity, allowing individuals to tap into a greater source of wisdom, insight and creativity.
To reiterate, in this elevated state adept individuals may experience a sense of unity with all things, a deep understanding of universal truths and an enhanced perception of reality. They also may gain access to infused knowledge, heightened intuition and a greater ability to manifest their desires.
The notion of “gained access” is a function of syntony. Syntony can be attained only by virtue of spiritual awareness; by definition, syntony intimates a spiritual dimension. There are no shortcuts. Among the many modalities that foster spiritual awareness are prayer, meditation, yoga, contemplation, nature walks, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, Qigong, Reiki and journaling.
In the field of telecommunications or radio engineering, syntony refers to the synchronization or resonance between transmitting and receiving devices. When two devices are in syntony, they are tuned to the same frequency or wavelength, allowing effective communication or signal transmission.
In a broader sense, syntony can also describe a state of coherence or unity within a system or group of people. It implies a shared understanding and shared goals - the sense of being on the same wavelength leading to effective collaboration and coordination.
Overall, syntony implies a state of harmony, agreement, or resonance between different elements, whether it be in communication, interaction, or within a system or group.
St. Teresa of Avila, a 16th century Spanish mystic, was proclaimed the first female Doctor of the Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI. Doctors of the Church are learned sources of spiritual truths. Explaining syntony, which she called spiritual adeptness, Teresa used an analogy of a spiritual seeker diligently caring for his or her garden. I’ll recount this teaching as best I can.
The seeker first acknowledges an earnest desire to grow spiritually and begins to water the garden using a tin bucket. This remedial first step symbolizes the “beginner” stage of spiritual transformation. In the second stage called “illuminative,” the seeker digs a well and then plows trenches in order to irrigate the garden. This stage symbolizes incremental spiritual progress and enhanced awareness and can go on for some time. In the third and final “unitive” stage, equivalent to superconsciousness, the seeker simply walks to the center of the garden and it begins to rain. Voilà!
The Akashic Field
In secular terminology, superconsciousness is attained via syntony with the Akashic Field. In religious terminology, the unitive state of spiritual awareness represents “union with God.” Different lexicon, same outcome; the former science based, the latter faith based.
As previously noted, Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning aether, or all pervasive space. Aether was the theoretical substance or medium that filled the universe, a generally accepted theory by 19th century physics. The aether, as then understood, was necessary to propagate transmission of electromagnetic waves such as light. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (1905) rendered aether unnecessary by demonstrating that light behaves independently of any medium or substance.
The Indian Yogi Swami Vivekananda described the Akashic Field this way:
According to the philosophers of India, the whole universe is composed of two materials, one of which they call Akasha [Ākāśa]. It is the omnipresent, all-penetrating existence. Everything that has form, everything that is the result of combination, is evolved out of this Akasha. It is the Akasha that becomes the air, that becomes the liquids, that becomes the solids; it is the Akasha that becomes the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the stars, the comets; it is the Akasha that becomes the human body, the animal body, the plants, every form that we see, everything that can be sensed, everything that exists. It cannot be perceived; it is so subtle that it is beyond all ordinary perception; it can only be seen when it has become gross, has taken form. At the beginning of creation there is only this Akasha.
In the parlance of today’s New Physics, the unified field known as the quantum vacuum is equivalent to the Akashic Field. Systems theorist Ervin Laszlo explained, “Scientists now realize that space is not empty, and what is called the quantum vacuum is in fact a cosmic plenum. The vacuum is a fundamental medium that recalls the ancient concept of Akasha.”1
Ancient Akasha remains profoundly relevant today as it serves as a somewhat familiar and vital bridge between scientific understanding and spirituality. By dispelling any misperceptions of it being confined to New Age mysticism, the Akashic Field reveals itself as a concept of scientific and tangible significance. For instance, it transcends the confines of Newton's mechanical philosophy, which asserts the necessity of a preceding cause for every effect.
In the realm of quantum physics, such limitations do not hold true. Consequently, the notion of a quantum field blanketing “empty” space such as the Akasha has again found favor. The Akashic Field symbolizes a unified reality that seamlessly integrates both scientific principles and spiritual dimensions. Moreover, it encompasses the interconnectivity that binds all aspects of existence together, offering a comprehensive framework for understanding the fundamental nature of reality.
The Akashic Field2 is an evolving, dynamic, energy-and-information filled medium in ceaseless fluctuation. Its archive of knowledge is made accessible to us through resonance-based entrainment, the spiritual exercise involving one or more of the modalities we listed above. Therefore, the existence of the Akashic Field renders the notion of superconsciousness not only plausible but compellingly scientific.
In summary, resonance-based entrainment (syntony) describes a phenomenon where the resonant frequency of one system (say the Akashic Field) influences and guides the frequency adjustment of another system (say a human with garden irrigation issues), resulting in their synchronization and harmonic alignment. This alignment, once attained, leads to the highly coherent state we call superconsciousness. Superconsciousness embodies the highest frequencies presently accessible to humanity,
Increases in frequency create increases in consciousness and when our consciousness increases, we have greater awareness—and that’s what gamma brain waves are. Gamma brain waves, which can be more than twice as high as high beta brain waves, represent an aroused state in the brain, however, they are not connected to the survival states of emergency mode, but correlated with a kind of superconsciousness and awareness, as well as higher amounts of love and compassion. As the earth goes through her metamorphosis, maybe we too have to transition through this time of emotional intensity related to beta brain waves before we enter a new consciousness of gamma brain wave states.
Dr. Joe Dispenza