Buryl Payne oversaw a number of projects indicating reductions in sunspot activity from group meditations and, equally, eruptions of war and violence on Earth according to the 11 year solar magnetic pole cycles. By extension, galactic disturbances could be index-linked to the ethical conduct and inner vibrational condition of humans. Kaliyuga becomes then not merely a causal explanation, but equally a result of the latter.

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Interesting thought. Thank you. Societal unrest and other phenomena are certainly influenced by prayer and meditation. The other side is engaged in Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and even child sacrifice. I believe we're entering an intense period of spiritual warfare. Even the weather has been weaponized. This is a good piece:


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Yes, of course, you are correct in that view, everything is "manipulated" now. But whose is the ultimate hidden hand? The spiritual warfare unleashed occupies both outer and inner "theaters of war". That means that nefarious manipulation comes both from outside (covert and occult "powers and principalities") and from within the regular individual (sloth/laziness, denial, indifference, compliance etc.) Control/manipulation of perception is therefore the key factor. Hence 6th gen. warfare, not simply 5th gen. warfare. The archetypes have become "actualized" and are confluent/synonymous with other beings and entities living in different frequency ranges which have now seized control of human destiny, unless we consciously evolve our collective awareness in short order. The satanic ritual abuse extends from Baal and Moloch into the Fauci jab as one "logical" vector through time. We should recall that the Jesuit Fauci claimed during his initial AIDS "epidemic" that children were the main reservoirs of the AIDS "virus" and therefore could not be trusted. The weather manipulation has developed from simple seeding into vortical interference which, from recent evidence, implies technologies beyond HAARP.

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You touch on the notion that sixth-generation warfare, with its roots in psychological and perceptual manipulation, goes beyond previous models to influence and control belief systems on a mass scale. This idea that archetypes have moved from the symbolic to the literal, and that other entities may operate within these frequencies, certainly invites a more nuanced consideration of how humanity navigates these challenges. I have posited that archetypes constellated by the Third Reich have resurfaced. Thank you again for your insights, and for contributing to the dialogue around these crucial issues. https://open.substack.com/pub/rationalspirituality/p/irresistible-force-meets-immovable?r=g6u5j&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Oct 6Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

Fascinating, thank you! Rather a lot going on in the heavens as well ... "As above, so below"?

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Indeed. And I didn't even include all of them. "Amazing times, these are."

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Oct 6Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

What an amazing amount of information provided! There is so much going on both above the sky and below it. Excellent stack!

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Thank you for your comment and kind words!

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Umm…is any one else experiencing weird inter dimensional time shifts or ‘realities’

Just asking.

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