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Like many other Substack writers, we anticipate a great deal of creative destruction as the world transitions from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age; from the current dominant worldview to a new one. This type of transition is known as a paradigm shift — the old zeitgeist or worldview inevitably yields (with great resistance, mind you) to a new and still undefined new Worldview. We are at a tipping point that will see us evolve spiritually as a species or become extinct as a godless version of transhumanism.

The creative destruction phase of the new Aquarian Paradigm began only recently (2020). Will Western Civilization as we know it along with our cherished cultural values survive? We don’t think so - at least not fully. However, we strongly believe it’s possible to preserve the best of what we now have and still remain both the dominant species on Earth and fully human.

The natural evolution of Western Civilization, which may very well include its destruction, and then bear witness to a new civilization rising like Phoenix from the ashes, is opposed primarily by the ideology of The Great Reset, which seeks to establish a transhumanist (Humanity 2.0) Global World Order. In the wings are also Eurasian dreams.

Over the years, proponents of a New World Order were called Bilderbergers, Illuminati and even Luciferians. This paradigm shift has set spiritual warfare writ large into motion. The showdown is between democratic individualism and autocratic collectivism; between traditional cultural norms and the despotic tyranny of Marxist ideology.

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Evolving a non-dogmatic, preternatural (rather than supernatural) understanding of transcendent reality.


Metaphysician and author; former War News Editor, American Forces Vietnam Network, Saigon; former president Sandusky Newspapers Radio Division.