When I published “Evolution of Consciousness and the Emergent Aquarian Paradigm” paper several years ago, I recognized at the time what I termed “the Aquarian paradigm shift” would require new spiritual as well as scientific foundations - foundations that were not magical and mystical, but grounded in rationality and reverence for an unseen world to which we are all connected, regardless of individual spiritual beliefs.
Supernatural monotheism provided solid bedrock for the advent of Western Civilization during the Age of Pisces, which began ~2,000 years ago and is now in its waning years. Supernatural monotheism will not, however, be sufficient going forward; dogmatic religions answered questions few are asking in the 21st century.
Why now? I waited for the unequivocal signs of the demise of Western Civilization that are sadly upon us. The world is in shambles, suffering one barrage after another of Fifth Generation Warfare propaganda and assaults on science. The assaults are far more sinister, subversive and dark than most realize. There is a long list of existential threats to our existence. At the top of that list is artificial intelligence.
It is my hope that this Substack about rational spirituality, and the necessary creative destruction brought about by a First Magnitude Paradigm Shift, will form the heart of a sharing community of like-minded creative thinkers. A community of Watchers, if you will.
My first series of articles will address such issues as the causes of the “Decline of the West,” to borrow from Oswald Spengler. All civilizations eventually die and all follow the same predictable pattern of demise, as we shall see. We will also examine how the three major monotheistic religions have failed us, particularly Christianity, since it has long been the dominant Western religion. Indeed, Christianity was essential in birthing and nurturing Western Civilization, which was previously known as Christendom.
We will also concern ourselves with the evolution of consciousness and some Aquarian Age expectations. In my paper, which I previously linked, I argue humanity will soon evolve (rather suddenly) and evolve a higher form of consciousness. We will define this next level human consciousness and its characteristics, as well as what distinguishes it from previous strata of conscious awareness.
Some have termed this advancement, “Integral Consciousness.” We prefer “Superconsciousness.” At the present time only about 1% of global population has achieved this higher consciousness stage. We will join these highly self-aware individuals on the vanguard of the coming age. Some will recognize this new consciousness as Nietzsche’s Übermensch or “superior overman” from “Thus Spoke Zarathustra.”
There will be no paid subscriptions at the Rational Spirituality Substack. All articles penned by myself and others will be entirely free. We plan to seed a community of goodwill and [update] posted our first offerings in early May 2023. Please subscribe below and invite others to do the same. There is much work to be done. Thank you.
Very interesting. I'll be adding this to my knowledge based research addendum. Carry on. 💯