Useful Idiot & Mind Virus Warning: Reality Dead Ahead
An Age-Ending Apocalypse and Paradigm Shift
How long will it be until the very foundations of our current paradigm, fragile and contested as they are, crumble like the ancient Tower of Babel? In our rapidly changing world, the list of challenges we face as a global community is extensive and multifaceted, touching every aspect of human existence. These challenges, some manufactured, fear porn hoaxes, others legitimate concerns, are all too familiar to us, whether we choose to confront them head on or bury our heads in the sand.
Among the myriad examples — and there are indeed many — one particularly provocative notion that I grapple with is the existence of a “Machiavellian-Malthusian” depopulation agenda. This democidal plan, often whispered about in hushed tones or fervently debated in the public sphere, stands out as an exemplar of what many dismiss as an 'incomprehensible conspiracy theory.' Yet its very contemplation forces us to confront the complexities of power, ethics and the human condition in our ever-oscillating metamodern age.1
Entertaining the notion, even momentarily, that there exists a perfidious depopulation agenda as purported by organizations like the World Economic Forum, Club of Rome and others, triggers intense cognitive dissonance. This discomfort arises from the clash between this daunting, evil possibility and the ingrained belief in the inherent benevolence of Western governments in general, a belief deeply rooted in the collective psyche since the founding principles of the American Experiment were laid down in 1776.
Such a contradiction forces us to grapple with the unsettling reality that the governments we trust, often viewed as paragons of virtue and incapable of malevolence, might harbor agendas that starkly contradict these cherished values, including an obvious, precipitous descent not just into authoritarianism, but totalitarianism — the control of every aspect of society.
During a recent Tucker Carlson interview, author and evolutionary biologist Dr. Bret Weinstein shared his concerns about a proposed World Health Organization treaty:
In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup. We are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty. And that that is the purpose of what is being constructed, that it has been written in such a way that your eyes are supposed to glaze over as you attempt to sort out what is it? … The director general of the World Health Organization [will have] total liberty to define [a public health emergency]… And in the case that some emergency or some pretense of an emergency shows up, the provisions that would kick in are beyond jaw-dropping.2
Severe mental conflicts not only challenge our long-held perceptions but also serve as crucibles for critical thinking. They compel us to question the narratives we've been fed, to scrutinize the information we receive, and to critically evaluate the gap between our ideals, as outlined by the quote below, and the complex, often spurious realities of geopolitical maneuvering.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Is it possible we could be approaching a point where such measures will once again become necessary?
The paradigm shifts we are experiencing now are akin to blunt instruments striking at humanity's collective psyche. The relentless hammering is a response to our inherent resistance to change — a resistance that is fundamentally positive. It ensures that cherished, albeit outdated, beliefs do not 'go gentle into that good night.' True and enduring change must first confront and overcome our own tendencies towards robotic compliance and passive acceptance of the status quo.
Were this not true, there would be no compelling need for the ‘agents of chaos.’ These agents, psychic and human, act with such a degree of destructive severity that we approach an apocalypse, a word that simply means something will be revealed by God to humanity.
This narrative, however, is not a foray into political dissection but rather an exploration of the spiritual and psychological dimensions of such paradigm shifts. To delve deeper into this subject without inflaming domestic political passions, let's shift our gaze to a different region of the world.
The Middle East presents a landscape where ideological chaos and conflict are palpable. Here, we observe groups like Hamas, driven by a radical ideology and embroiled in a conflict steeped in both historical complexity and belief that they are fulfilling a God-given mission.
A particular sect of Shiite Islam believes it is their bounden duty to bring on an apocalypse. They call themselves the Twelvers. I previously wrote about the sect here. Should these self-appointed agents of chaos kill all the Jews, an objective to which they readily confess, they will come next for the Christians; their ultimate goal is to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Radical Islam’s new paradigmatic vision foresees a caliphate headed by their Mahdi, a Christlike savior figure yet to appear on the world stage.
In modern societal discourse, the term useful idiot is shorthand for individuals co-opted into serving agendas they scarcely even comprehend. This concept dovetails with the phenomenon of mind viruses – infected ideas that propagate through populations, often to detrimental effect. These terms shed light on the broader dynamics of cultural and ideological manipulation prevalent in today’s globalized world.
The notion of the useful idiot is not new. Its roots trace to the political machinations of bygone eras, where propaganda was a tool wielded with precision by those in power.3 In contemporary times, this term has found renewed relevance, particularly in the realms of political and ideological battles propagated by a subservient media.
The useful idiot is often seen as a pawn in a larger game, manipulated by forces that remain mostly obscure to them. The mind virus that generally infects useful idiots, refers to ideas, beliefs or ideologies that spread through societies, profoundly influencing perceptions and behaviors. These viruses of the mind are not constrained by the bounds of rationality, reason or truth; they thrive on emotional resonance and societal undercurrents. Like “wokeness,” an example of a mind virus, they are frequently incoherent.
In the age of information overload and social media digital echo chambers, these mind viruses find fertile ground to proliferate unabated.
Both concepts – the useful idiot and the mind virus – are symptomatic of a deeper malaise that afflicts the collective consciousness. They are indicative of a society that is increasingly fragmented, where discourse is polarized and critical thinking often overshadowed by the allure of simplistic narratives. In such an environment, the capacity for independent thought and discernment becomes a casualty. Individuals become far more susceptible to manipulation.
This susceptibility is further exacerbated by the decline of spiritual and metaphysical considerations in public life. In a world preoccupied with materialistic pursuits and instant gratification, the spiritual dimension of human existence is often relegated to the periphery. This spiritual void creates a vacuum that is readily exploited by those peddling simplistic dogmatic ideologies or manipulative political agendas.
The antidote to this predicament lies in a conscious re-engagement with the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life. It involves nurturing a discerning spirit, one that questions, probes and actively seeks deeper understanding. However, this path of re-engagement is at once hindered by cognitive dissonance and bolstered by critical thinking, two opposing forces that play pivotal roles in the journey towards spiritual awakening and intellectual liberation.
Cognitive dissonance acts as a barrier to this journey. This is the psychological discomfort experienced when confronted with information or ideas that contradict deeply held beliefs or values. In the context of mind viruses and the role of useful idiots, cognitive dissonance can be seen as a restraining force. It inhibits individuals from questioning the narratives they have been fed, as well as from challenging the status quo. Cognitive discomfort often leads to a retreat into familiar though potentially misguided ideologies. This further impedes the process of spiritual re-engagement.
In contrast, critical thinking is a force that can break through the barriers erected by cognitive dissonance. It encourages individuals to analyze information objectively, to question assumptions and to consider multiple perspectives. To this end, I included links in the footnotes to three recommended pieces about the depopulation agenda.
Critical thinking empowers individuals to navigate the complex web of mind viruses and to recognize the manipulation inherent in being a useful idiot. It fosters a mindset that is open to new ideas, willing to confront uncomfortable truths, and capable of discerning the deeper spiritual and metaphysical underpinnings of our existence.
The convergence of cognitive dissonance and critical thinking is a crucial battleground in the quest for a more awakened, spiritually attuned society. While cognitive dissonance seeks to maintain the status quo, critical thinking pushes for evolution and growth. The resolution of this tension of opposites lies in recognizing and embracing the discomfort of cognitive dissonance as a signal for the need for deeper inquiry and understanding.
In the final analysis, overcoming the challenges posed by useful idiots and mind viruses requires a harmonious blend of spiritual re-engagement, critical thinking and the courageous confrontation of cognitive dissonance. It is a journey that demands introspection, openness to change and the relentless pursuit of truth.
A final note on overpopulation: We have always been wrong with our assumptions about the dangers. “A global population peaking at 11 billion need not be an apocalypse or cause for pessimism, but it does pose challenges that we’ll need to rise to.”4
In this endeavor, the human spirit, armed with discernment and guided by a higher consciousness, emerges as the most potent antidote to the maladies of manipulation and ideological rigidity. It is a call to return to a mode of existence that values truth, seeks wisdom and fosters genuine understanding – a path that is as much about personal transformation as it is about societal change.
Change is always stressful. On the magnitude of an age-ending paradigm shift, the change we will face this year poses challenges no one alive today has ever faced. In fact, a paradigm shift of this magnitude last occurred some 2,000 years ago.
Discussions around global population dynamics, sustainability, and resource management often involve prominent organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Club of Rome. While these organizations engage in dialogues about global challenges, including environmental issues and sustainable development, it is important to nuance these discussions from the concept of a depopulation agenda. You can read more about it here, here and here.
The Tucker Carlson Encounter - Bret Weinstein (video)
The epithet “Useful Idiot” has been erroneously attributed to Vladimir Lenin. It first appeared in 1864, but was frequently used during the Cold War referencing poorly informed individuals easily exploitable by Communist propaganda.
Earth’s population trends. (article)