May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023Liked by R. Toney Brooks, PhD

To just add/supplement ...

In Jungian terms, when the Upper-Male-Nous is united with the Lower-Female-Unconscious, the result of this "divine union" is a Son of God, a Christ, a "Whole Self". Individuation is complete. The Holy Spirit is the center of the monad, where the circumference is the flesh, and the radius is our soul-psyche. The goal is to marry the soul to the origin, the source, the divine spark within. It's why Isis is Goddess of the underworld in Egyptian myth, and the union of her with Osiris is what births Horus, the divine child, who expels Seth / Satan / Chaos, and restores order. The underworld always represented "the spirit world" of dreams and sleep. The masculine, the sky, the light, however was always our intellect, our consciousness. Bring them together, and get a generative, ordering force.

Divinity / Order / "Goodness" / the Generative Force is when masculine and feminine come together in union. When these ancient symbologists talk about "make the male like the female, the upper like the lower", they are meaning the Nous/Intellect with the Unconscious/Intuition. Chaos / Evil on the other hand is when the two forms are pulled into disunion, disorder.

As Jung would say, the animating spirit of the age is Anti-Christian: it's the one that's pulling our two natures into disunion, resulting in internal chaos. The great tragedy of our age is that our Nous/Upper/Intelligence/Ego has been completely deracinated, cut off from its inner root, its unconscious. The task of proper psychic hygiene is to rejoin them, to 'religare' (the root of 'religion').

I reviewed Jung's Aion at the link here below, it covers much more on this


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Thanks for your response, Aionist. Nicely written.

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I don’t buy your version of reality .

You are toying with dark forces that are more powerful than you can imagine .

You are attributing cause & effect to your own version of reality . Whereas you cannot prove that what you experience is “Gaia” ...

Jesus is not an avatar because you state such .

Jesus is The Creator of this present universe we experience ..

And you confuse the INSTITUTION of the Church with real Christ followers .

The institution of the Roman Catholic Church corrupted Jesus’ message from its establishment under Constantine ...

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