The Dark Triad archetype refers to a set of three personality attributes characterized by socially undesirable and malevolent tendencies. These traits are Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. The Dark Triad is deemed to be constellated within the psyche of those individuals who exhibit a combination of these traits to a significant degree.
The archetype’s inherently negative, psychopathic energy is amplified by those who allow the archetype to possess their psyche. Who would willingly permit such a possession? Well, archetypal psychopathology is viewed as the psyche's independent ability to create morbidity, disorder, illness, abnormality and suffering in any part of its behavior and to imagine and experience life through a newly deformed perspective.1
Psychopathy is a complex personality disorder characterized by persistent patterns of disregard for the rights of others, lack of empathy, and often manipulative or aggressive behavior. The association between psychopathy and criminal behavior is complex and commonly justified by utilitarian beliefs, e.g. that any means, however unethical or illegal, may be employed to achieve a desired end. This is also known as Machiavellianism.
The Dark Triad archetype, which is situated in humanity’s collective consciousness, guides, informs and, most importantly, validates these individuals with a sense of purpose that, to their way of thinking, can justify most any behavior. The triad is composed of:
Machiavellianism - Machiavellianism is named after Niccolò Machiavelli, an Italian philosopher known for his book, "The Prince." Individuals high in Machiavellianism are manipulative, cunning and strategic in their interactions with others. They tend to prioritize their own interests and interests of their group. They are willing to deceive or manipulate others to acquire and increase personal power and attain stated goals - the end justifies the means, often regardless of the costs.
Narcissism - Narcissism refers to an excessive preoccupation with oneself, inflated self-importance and a grandiose sense of entitlement. Individuals with high levels of narcissism have an exaggerated sense of their own abilities and achievements. They often seek admiration and validation from others and can display a lack of empathy or consideration for the feelings of others.
Psychopathy - Psychopathy is characterized by a lack of empathy, remorse, and conscience. Individuals with high psychopathic traits exhibit a disregard for others' rights, engage in impulsive and antisocial behavior and have a shallow emotional constitution. They can be manipulative, callous and prone to engaging in harmful or exploitative actions without remorse.
The Dark Triad personality describes individuals who demonstrate a combination of these three traits or aspects, which can manifest in various ways depending on the specific mix and intensity of each aspect. While not all individuals with these aspects are inherently evil people, the Dark Triad, nevertheless, always correlates with sociopathic behaviors such as manipulation, exploitation, selfishness, a lack of empathy and a disregard for moral principles.
When Dark Triad individuals occupy positions of power and influence in institutions such as government, NGOs, banking and big business, a totalitarian pathocracy ensues.
The concept of pathocracy was defined by the Polish psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski. He noted that individuals with Dark Triad personality disorders regularly ascend to positions of power. Indeed, they lust for power. But principally these so-called “elites” are driven by a shared ideology.
Lobaczewski wanted to understand why 'evil' people seem to prosper, while so many good and moral people struggle to succeed. He wanted to understand why people with psychological disorders so easily rise to positions of power and take over the governments of countries. Since he was living under a pathocratic regime himself, he took great risks studying this topic. He was arrested and tortured by the Polish authorities, and was unable to publish his life's work, the book Political Ponerology, until he escaped to the United States during the 1980s.2
The Evil Egregore
The egregore connects the people who created it to the psychic energy that engulfs it. It can also influence others as well. Adolf Hitler used the hatred and anger in the minds of the German people after their defeat in World War I to create an egregore, thereby focusing that energy. A fad in popular culture, for example, can be a temporary and very potent egregore. (Theosophy Wiki)3
We can appropriately associate the evil Egregore with a term coined by Dr. Mattias Desmet, “mass formation.” Indeed, the two constructs are interchangeable; both point to the same phenomenon. We have experienced mass formation throughout human history: the Crusades, witch hunts, the French Revolution, Nazi Germany, but according to Desmet, mass formations have become even stronger over the last few hundred years.
Perhaps this rise in intensity of mass formations can be attributed to the evolution of mass media, including the advent of ubiquitous social media, accompanied by more sophisticated propaganda methods such as Fifth Generation Warfare (psyops).
When individuals forsake meaningful relationships in favor of social media communication, wide scale ‘free floating anxiety,’ a complex precondition for mass formation, proceeds from their isolation and loneliness.
According to Desmet’s mass formation theory, this collective psychological state emerges through a combination of factors such as fear, isolation and the amplification of psyop narratives via mass media or other means. It suggests that decision-making and actions within this context are influenced by the overall psychological state of the mass, rather than being driven by some particular individual or group.
In its final stage, mass formation unequivocally leads to totalitarianism, as Desmet explains.
A certain part of the population, usually around 30%, fanatically starts to believe in a certain ideology. This phenomenon can be created artificially through indoctrination propaganda. There are normally 60-65% of the population that do not really go along with the narrative, but will never speak out…they follow the group with the loudest voice.
People in mass formation become radically intolerant of dissident voices and incapable of critical thinking. And in the ultimate stage of the mass formation, they will typically start to destroy everyone who doesn’t go along with the masses. And will do so as if it is their ethical duty to do so!
Below is the full video of an interview with Desmet from Tucker Carlson Today, Sept. 5, 2022. It’s extremely important to understand and become aware of the phenomenon of mass formation. Awareness functions as the means to defeat it.
Praemonitus, praemunitus – forewarned is forearmed.
We can forget about red-pilling the masses. You can’t wake the mass formation up or break up the perverted, ritualistic social bond that holds it together, but you can disturb it, according to Desmet. “Do that and it will exhaust itself before it turns homicidal.”
As Desmet makes clear both in this video and his book, the ideology behind today’s mass formation is technocratic, Marxist and transhumanistic. It often has been referred to on Substack as technocommunism.
The Dark Triad Archetype is cognate in Tibetan Buddhism with Yama, Lord of the Underworld and the Hell Realm and with the Black Sun archetype in Nazism.
Interpreted psychologically, Hell Beings are recognized by their acute aggression. Fiery Hell Beings are angry and abusive, and they drive away anyone who would befriend or love them. Icy Hell Beings shove others away with their unfeeling coldness. Then, in the torment of their isolation, their aggression increasingly turns inward, and they become self-destructive.
Technocommunism combines elements of technology and communism to describe a theoretical socio-economic system where advanced technologies, collectivism and digital infrastructure are utilized to achieve communal ownership, resource sharing and equal distribution of goods and services. Those who agitate for it chase the proverbial Utopian fantasy.
Their Utopia envisions an egalitarian society where technology, plus unelected technocrats and bureaucrats, play the central role in managing an equitable distribution of resources, eliminating class divisions and promoting collective decision-making.
Most right thinking people (pun intended) intuit technocommunism as an impractical, idealistic leftwing fantasy with predictable odious outcomes, such as concentration of power, misuse of technology, disincentives to innovation, abolishment of individual freedoms and autonomy, plus the overwhelming complexity of restructuring societal systems.
Not to mention spiritual deprivation (materialism), which I personally believe is a precondition to mass formation.
The emphasis of technocommunism centers on utilizing technological advancements such as automation, artificial intelligence and decentralized networks, to create a godless, Marxist society where the means of production and distribution are collectively owned and managed.
This conviction is laid bare by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) slogan, “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Their True Agenda
Many of us on Substack have asked the question, “Who are the masterminds running the these various psyops?” “What are their goals.?” Recently Dr. Robert Malone lamented, “I have now spent years trying to understand what has happened to all of us and the most vexing question of all has been, ‘who are the puppet masters behind all of this evil.’”4
Repeating Desmet’s conclusion, decision-making and actions within this context are influenced by the overall psychological state of the mass, rather than being driven by a particular individual or group. We encapsulate this “overall psychological state of the mass” with the egregor moniker.
Founder of the Dark Mountain Project,5 writer Paul Kingsnorth, mentions Ahriman, “the spiritual personification of the age of the Machine,” as one ethereal possibility.6
Named for an ancient Zoroastrian demon, Ahriman was a being of pure matter. He manifested in all things physical — especially human technologies— and his worldview was calculative, “ice-cold,” and rational. Ahriman’s was the world of economics, science, technology, and all things steely and forward-facing… Ahriman’s time was yet to come. His power had been growing since the fifteenth century, and he was due to manifest as a physical being. . . well, some time around now.
Rudolf Steiner, who founded the esoteric spiritual movement anthroposophy, used the concept of Ahriman to name one of two extreme forces which pull humanity away from the centering influence of Christ. The other being Lucifer.
Ahriman is associated with rank materialism, intellectualism and the temptation to reduce everything to purely materialistic explanations. Ahriman is seen as a force that denies the spiritual aspect of existence, promoting a mechanistic worldview and detachment from the higher spiritual realities.
We likely can agree that the materialistic spirit of Ahriman, if not its physical manifestation, is effectively impacting the world today. His manifestation would certainly be a prime candidate for “puppet master.” Here’s a frightening thought: Ahriman will become physically manifest in AI.
I believe it is most useful to proclaim and focus spiritual energy on a physical manifestation of this malfeasant spirit — to anthromorphize it. Each of us likely has a favorite candidate. Mine is Yuval Harari, for reasons I will detail in a later essay. (If it’s not linked here, I haven’t yet written it.)
For the time being, the puppet master is a loosely structured matrix of ideologically aligned, authoritarian leaning Western governments, NGOs, intelligence agencies, the Deep State, supranational institutions like the international banking cabal, International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum - the list goes on and includes the ranking elites within these polities.
As we see it, the matrix has two interrelated, existential goals: 1) Globalism and 2) Transhumanism. The first will disassemble nation states and civilization as we know it; the second will enfranchise an entirely new species of cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) - “human beings 2.0” - with ability to design their own evolution, as well as the evolution of other species. These two goals and others are codified in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself — not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity. We need a name for this new belief. Perhaps transhumanism will serve: man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.7
The above quote is from Julian Huxley. He once suggested in UNESCO: Its Purposes and Policy that eugenics, after the Nazi regime had given it such a bad name, should be rescued from opprobrium, “So that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
Professor and author John Klyczek added:8
In the wake of vehement public backlash against the atrocities of the Nazi eugenic Holocaust, Huxley's eugenics proper was forced to go underground, repackaging itself in various crypto-eugenic disguises, one of which is 'transhumanism.9
The popular globalist notion that the world can be replicated and replaced by a simulated reality says a great deal about the beliefs of those advocating for transhumanism. We humans appreciate that we have co-creative responsibilities, but self-transcendence isn’t one of them. The very notion of self-transcendence speaks volumes as to the evil humanity is up against.
Spiritual Warfare
We spiritual warriors share one sacrosanct belief: objective transcendence; the unshakable belief there is an unknowable Creative Source of Order in the universe greater than ourselves – a Universal Consciousness through which we are all connected and within which we are invaluable participants. This Consciousness, by whatever name you know it, resonates with the ethical principles of humanity.
Rational understanding cannot possibly account for the human experience, the essence of life that transcends all understanding. It cannot possibly account for the human soul. People of faith intuit this truth. Marxists and other materialists sneer at it. In the final analysis, our struggle is with base materialism, the belief that the world consists of nothing but manipulable matter. Science has disproved this materialistic worldview.10
When writing this piece, I reflected on which Collective Unconscious archetype boldingly embodies the attributes of spiritual warfare required to disturb and defeat the Dark Triad, the Egregore and its hive of Useful Idiots.11 This unholy abstract entity seeks to imprison humanity in a Brave New World. In Christian, Judaic and Islamic mythoi, all of which embrace the philosophy of spiritual warfare, it is clearly the archetype of St. Michael the Archangel.

Most glorious prince of the heavenly hosts, Archangel Saint Michael, defend us in the battle and tremendous struggle we carry on against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of the world of darkness and spirits of the Dark Triad and Nazi Black Sun.
Hillman, James. “Re-Visioning Psychology,” New York: Harper & Row, 1975
Pathocracy. (article, Psychology Today)
Perspective, Values, and the COVIDcrisis. (Substack article, Dr. Robert Malone)
Dark Mountain Project. (website)
Rage Against the Machine. (Substack article from The Free Press)
Julian Huxley, "Transhumanism," New Bottles for New Wine, London: Readers Union, Chatto & Windus, 1957 (Julian, a proponent of eugenics, is the brother of “Brave New World” author Aldous Huxley)
John Adam Klyczek, School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education, Trine Day, 2019
Also see: Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism (This piece is an excerpt from the book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty.)
The Simulation Hypothesis (YouTube video)
In political parlance, a useful idiot is a pejorative for those perceived as propagandists for a cause of whose goals they are not fully aware (such as Marxism) and who are cynically used by the leaders of that cause. A useful idiot, by definition, is infected with a mind virus called mass formation, which can directly infect up to 30% of an exposed population.
We highly recommend the Substack by Mattias Desmet, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.”
For more on psychopathology:
Monsieur Tony, this should intrigue you:
The guy's style is very colorful and poetic but, as the author would likely admit to, written by someone who keeps a chronic cannabis buzz on. So the narrative structure is a collection of fragmented loop-de-loops. The content itself, however, is excellent. Guy knows some stuff and thinks well and deep.
He has a black spot on his record, which he freely confesses to, and like so many internet oracles, takes himself too seriously sometimes, but strikes me as a basically very decent and compassionate human being with his share of behavioral issues.
He also has some savvy things to say about covid from his own unique perspective.
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals...
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond races, peoples, cultures) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets . . . have reduced our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride to their minimal expression.
No country is running its own race during this invasion, because it is all a political agenda led by the UN and put forward by the Jews and their puppets (politicians). Most people just won't know or understand that this is a political agenda. However, some manage to understand that the politicians are deliberately working to import Muslims and replace the people, but that's where it ends, they're like a computer that can't go on because the program doesn't allow it.